There are television shows, some past, some present that just make you happy. Whether it is because they strike some emotional chord, make you laugh, or remind you of who you originally watched them with, it is a comforting feeling kind of like slipping on your favorite fuzzy socks. Because of the nostalgic feelings I can watch such TV repeatedly. I must admit, I rarely fully pay attention again, but it is good background noise or the perfect way to lull me to sleep. The unfortunate part is it makes me read less than I should but also, my husband does not seem to feel the same type of pull to many of these programs.
I could blame the age difference, 8 years, or the gender difference, if there aren't blood and guts or fart jokes who wants to watch? But the reality of it has much more to do with the people. It hit me like a ton of bricks just the other day. You see, before my friend Carrie I was not really an appointment TV watcher. I know to all who know me now that sounds insane. I love my shows, the quippy characters, romantic tension, fun comments, sharp dialogue, I just love it. I was just one of those crazy people who could watch it in reruns. Then the Thursday night girls night began and it was all over for me.
The shows sparked debate, we lamented over the choices or bad dialogue or bad acting. We giggled and watched and drank wine and tried new recipes. It was a commitment to connect once a week doing something ordinary yet somehow we made it extraordinary. Even before boys, marriage, and kids, it became more and more difficult to single out a night to make this happen. Between work and other commitments it was so easy to start to miss our "day." Then you add a 3,000 mile difference and husbands and kids and you have an impossible mountain of space, a impassable chasm if you will.
The new spark of inspiration hit. This TV world, this Thursday night splendor, it was a phase. An important phase in growing up as a girl in the city, but something that was meant to pass. A moment in time to look on and remember fondly just like you reminisce when looking through photo albums. These shows served to bond us and bring out interesting conversations that might not have happened on their own. That's exactly why they feel so comfortable, so comforting. Just the same as you eventually stop riding bikes around the block because there are so many other places to ride, our worlds expand, change, and embrace new comforting traditions. I think the important thing is to find those traditions, take them in for a time, and let them evolve into the next memory.
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