You move into a new place and you find yourself oh so excited to show it to everyone you know. Of course you have to deal with the fact you decided to move right before the holidays so realistically it is a horrible time to plan a party with friends in order for them to see it, but you console yourself with the idea that you family will come.
In our case, we have moved to a perfect walking mecca. Tons of restaurants and things to do all within blocks of our building. Bowling, movies, lighthouse, beach, hotels, the list just goes on and on. And heck, we live in California so it's always nice to walk around. Mom and the fam plan a trip practically immediately, right before Christmas. As the date approaches I fearfully find myself like a sixty year old woman watching the weather. Death, doom, destruction that's all I see in the form of rain.
For those of us who grew up in other places this hardly seems like the end of the world, but for Californians, even an inch of the stuff is enough to send everyone into a tizzy. This is because the roads are not equipped for it, all of our malls are outside, and the walking joy of the area is significantly hindered when it is going to do nothing but rain.
It literally started pouring the day my family arrived and stopped for an hour here or there. Luckily we are a group that makes the best of everything, so we still walked on the beach (in raincoats) and tooled around the area (drenched like sewer rats) but laughing the whole way. There was a sudden break in the storm one evening and we even walked to the lighthouse which as an amazing hill perfect for rolling down. My siblings and I decided to hell with the mud and rolled down anyway arriving at the bottom sopping wet and covered in sloppy mud but smiling.
As I drove them back to the airport two days before Christmas the sun was shining through and it didn't rain again for the rest of the year. I was disappointed they did not get to see our new home in all it's glory, but yet I wouldn't trade the memories, movies, and change of plans for anything. The bad situation turned into a perfectly silly moment, yet again proving my husband's point that sometimes planning is pointless.
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